Providing Exceptional service to our customers for over 28 years
We pride ourselves in providing the best representation available at stores like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid, Meijer, GNC, Costco and Target just to name a few.
Seeking Representation?
Do you have a product or product line suitable for the Food, Drug and MASS channels? Click the button below to request a product line review.
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Why CMIWhat a partnership with CMI represents.
What sets CMI apart from our competition is our Marketing and Merchandising Departments. They are instrumental in creating and advertising sales programs.

ServicesWhat CMI can provide for you.
We offer you the finest representation and experienced individuals from all levels of sales and marketing management.

ProductsThese are just a few of the vendors we are partnered with.
From lifestyle products to furniture and more, CMI handles a number of nationally recognized products in assorted trade categories.